ShopLC Privacy Policy

Shop LC Global Inc. Internet Privacy Policy is provided to you so that you may be informed as to the practices of our company, which may change from time to time upon publication on this Web site. Therefore, we suggest that you review this Privacy Policy each time you use this site to confirm that you understand and agree to its terms. In the event you have inquiries as to this or other policies, we can be reached through Customer Service toll-free at 1-877-899-0078.

Personal information

Your transaction history and the information you provide to us voluntarily on our site is stored in our customer database along with the customer information received from other sources. Some of the information we solicit, such as e-mail address, is voluntary, while much of it is required in order to fulfill your order properly. In addition to fulfilling your orders, we use the information that you provide for purposes such as responding to your requests, customizing future shopping and improving our services.

As is common practice, we may occasionally share your personal information with companies we work with to assist us in providing existing and greater services to our customers.

Our site presently does not store your credit card information, and any of your credit card information that may be stored in other Shop LC systems is protected by firewalls. It is important for you to protect against unauthorized access to your password and to your computer. Be sure to sign off when finished using a shared computer.

E-mail policy

We collect the e-mail addresses of those who communicate with us via e-mail and those who voluntarily include their e-mail addresses when ordering online. We may also collect your e-mail address if you provide it in the process of completing survey information or registering for online contests or sweepstakes. We cannot obtain your e-mail address unless you voluntarily provide it to us, or we obtain it from a service company that has confirmed your willingness to distribute it. Our Web server recognizes the computer's Internet Protocol (IP) address, but not the e-mail address, for each visitor to our home page.

Contest registrations may involve sharing your e-mail address with our promotional co-sponsors -- please see the specific contest rules & regulations for details. Additionally, if you submit your e-mail address to Shop LC as part of a transaction originating with one of the companies, we do business, the e-mail address may be shared by both Shop LC, and the company we do business with. So therefore, please see the specific privacy policy, accessible from the other company's site, for details.

Other than the exceptions noted above, Shop LC will not sell, share or otherwise distribute your e-mail address. Any e-mail address supplied directly to Shop LC with respect to online orders, phone order, and requests for other information will remain in the sole possession of Shop LC.

If you do not want to receive promotional e-mail from Shop LC in the future, please use our unsubscribe form to remove your name from our list or let us know by contacting us at toll-free at 1-877-899-0078.

If you supply us with your postal address online, you may receive periodic mailings from us with information on new products and services or upcoming events. If you do not wish to receive such mailings, please contact us at or by contacting us at toll-free at 1-877-899-0078.


Like most retail web sites, we use "cookies," which are pieces of data given to your browser that allow our site to identify you when you access our site. While some concern has been expressed over the privacy implications of cookies, it is important for you to understand that cookies cannot extract any information about you that you have not already revealed voluntarily. Many Internet users now appreciate cookies as a convenience feature for shopping online.

Site traffic data

Our computers collect and store certain data from your visits to our Web site. The information we collect from this site traffic helps us to make the site easier to navigate and to improve your experience at Except for business we work with to improve the sales, services, and experience of our website, we do not share or distribute any specific customer site traffic data to any other parties.

If you have any questions regarding any of the elements of our web privacy policy, please call the customer service line posted above. This website is owned and operated by Shop LC Global Inc.

TJC Privacy Policy

This privacy policy sets out how The Jewellery Channel Ltd (TJC) uses and protects any information that you give us when you use this website. The processing of personal data is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation (the "GDPR"). The Jewellery Channel Ltd is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using any of our services, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement. The Jewellery Channel Ltd may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes.


We are committed to ensuring that information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.

Links to other websites

Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.

Controlling your personal information

We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we gain consent from you or we are required by law to do so. Where we gain consent to share your personal information we make it clear to whom the data is being shared and for what purpose.

Access to your information and correction

You have the right to request a copy of the information that we hold about you.

The Jewellery Channel Limited
Customer Care (Subject Access Request)
PO BOX 443

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