How can we reduce short close and improve our shipment completion rate?

VGL's extensive jewellery manufacturing process, from gem procurement to finished jewellery, has led to frequent "short closes" or incomplete shipments. Last year, only 80% of our order value was shipped. We aim to achieve a 100% shipment completion rate this year and need your innovative ideas to help us eliminate bottlenecks in our supply chain. Please share your suggestions on the innovation portal or directly with the supply chain team.

Closed : 25 Jun 2024

Beyond the Box: Unboxing Innovation challenge

Now, you might be wondering, what's all the buzz about? Let's dive in! Put on your customer hat and remeber the unforgettable unboxing experience you had while receiving a product, we want to share the same feeling with our customers!

Closed : 27 May 2024

Smart Savings

Cost control isn't just a practice; it's the cornerstone of a successful organization. From streamlined workflows to strategic resource allocation, every initiative, big or small, contributes to the bottom line. Let's ignite your creativity and get your gray matter ticking! Share your unique ideas for "Savings and Cost Reduction." What innovative approaches tools, or solutions can we leverage to minimize expenses and propel us toward unparalleled profitability?

Closed : 08 May 2024


In the world of Technology, a company driven by automation is the new standard. To get on the driving seat of Innovation and Automation we are introducing the “Quest to Automation” process challenge. The goal is to automate repetitive tasks, ease the complexities of working, and streamline the existing process. This will allow us to reduce the cost of operation, save us time on manual tasks, and allow us Humans to think creatively without the burden of working on mundane tasks.

Closed : 05 Apr 2024

How can we accelerate our Journey towards Net Zero

How can we accelerate our Journey towards Net Zero net zero refers to the balance between the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) that's produced and the amount that's removed from the atmosphere. It can be achieved through a combination of emission reduction and emission removal

Closed : 10 Jan 2024

How Might we Improve the NPS for our channels?

How Might we Improve the NPS for our channels? NPS is Net Promoter Score. NPS is a common metric used to determine customer perception and experience. Organizations use NPS scores to help find business areas that need improvement to create better customer loyalty. "How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?" are assigned a number on a scale from 0 to 10, with 10 being the most positive. Customers are then divided into the following three categories: promoters, passives and detractors. Promoters (score 9-10) are the most loyal customers and may refer others to the organization or service. Passives (score 7-8) are satisfied yet unenthusiastic and can be swayed by more competitive options. Detractors (score 0-6) are unhappy and can damage a brand with negative word of mouth.

Closed : 10 Jan 2024

How can we elevate our customer experience to consistently create a 'wow' response?

Our organization is dedicated to improving customer experiences to surpass expectations and make lasting impressions. Our global initiative for "unreasonable hospitality" aims to enhance every touchpoint in the customer journey, consistently eliciting a 'wow' response. We aim to exceed mere satisfaction, seeking to pleasantly surprise, delight, and encourage customers to share their positive experiences.

Closed : 27 Dec 2023

How Might We improve the conversion rate of our digital customers

How Might We improve the conversion rate of our digital customers? Current Conversion is in the range of 1 -2 %. Assume 1 million customers visit our website and only 10,000 customers buy from us. How can we take this conversion to 5%?

Closed : 02 Nov 2023

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