Experiment ID : 4

  • Discovery
  • Feasibility
  • Revolutionary
  • Limitless
  • Breakthrough
  • Fail fast

The Change Maker

Who is carrying out the experiment?

The Problem

Who is carrying out the experiment?

The Outcome

What are we hoping to achieve through this?

The Hypothesis

What is our hypothesis?

Peach Gold Jewelry

The Results

How will we know our hypothesis is true or false?

The People

Who will be affected by our experiment?

The Litmus Test

What metrics, data, KPIs do we need?

The Timeline & Budget

When will we measure the results?


Peach Gold Jewelry


Peach gold jewelry is a new colure gold jewelry. we will develop a peach color in Gold

Team MembersImamuddin, Tushar,
Date of Submission26-May-2023
2 0


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